Digital ecosystem for Earth


What should be the top priorities in 2020 for a digital ecosystem for Earth and One Healthy Ocean?

UNEP (EN Environmental Program) recently published a very interesting and relevant article about the top 20 priorities in 2020 for a digital ecosystem for Earth, at Medium.

They highlight 3 different tracks to progress a digital ecosystem for Earth:

  1. System architecture

  2. Applications

  3. Governance and policy

Among the top targets for the system architecture track, they suggest the following:

  1. Measuring SDG targets and indicators

  2. Open data

  3. Data discovery, access and licensing

  4. Standards and scorecards

  5. Data collaborations, commons, and trusts

  6. Indigenous data governance

We would love to hear your feedback on your top priorities when it comes to measuring SDG indicators that are directly or indirectly related to our oceans. Would it for instance be SDG 14.1 (marine pollution), 14.3 (ocean acidification), 14.5 (conservation), 14.4 (illegal or unreported fishing) or 14.7 (economic benefits of small island developing states?

Share your thoughts through our social media channels at LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.


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